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BOS Minutes 09/19/05
The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, September 19, 2005 at Memorial Town Hall Auditorium.  First Selectman Timothy Griswold, Selectman Skip Sibley and Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder were present.

Approval of Minutes: September 19, 2005
Selectman Sibley made a motion to approve the minutes of September 6, 2005 as written.  Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Letter to David Klein – Bus Barn Relocation
First Selectman Griswold sent a letter to Superintendent Klein stating that the Board of Selectmen would like to proceed with the relocation of the bus barn to the landfill area on Four Mile River Road.  Before time and money is spent on the engineering work and going to boards and commissions, it would be necessary that the school make a
commitment to specify the Four Mile River Road location in the new contract at the conclusion of the current five-year bus contract.


Old Business:
Information Technology Committee – Update
Selectwoman Reemsnyder reported that the Information Technology Committee looked over different venues for electronic transfer of funds for payment of taxes, etc. to the town.  The committee will soon make a recommendation.  The next meeting will provide information on an accounting package.  

Beach Improvement Committee – First Meeting
The Beach Improvement Committee held a meeting and those in attendance were Kate Abbot, Gail Fuller, Kim Groves, Bob Jose of Economic Development Commission, and Jerry Vowles. Kate Abbott was elected chairman and Gail Fuller was elected vice-chairman.  The committee will meet on the third Monday of the month at 8:30 A.M.  Individuals were assigned to subcommittees dealing with issues such as illegal parking lots, decision on a bath house, Hartford Avenue parking, coolers on the beach, cleaning the beach, marine patrol, and beautification of the area.  The subcommittee chairmen will update the committee at the monthly meetings as to what is going on in their area of responsibility.

Rogers Lake Meeting – Recap
The Rogers Lake Authority meeting on September 13 was an opportunity for those who oppose the chemical treatment of the weeds to present their case. First Selectman Griswold stated that if anything is to be done about the weeds in the lake next summer, a decision will have to be made in two or three months.  First Selectman Griswold will call the Rogers Lake Authority Chairman Fred Holth for further information.

Social Services Coordinator/Senior Center Director Position – Update
Kay Mannetho, the Social Services Coordinator and Senior Center Director, will be relocating to New Hampshire.  The position, which has been posted at the Old Lyme and Lyme Town Halls and the Senior Center, requires an individual to spend half the time working for the Town of Old Lyme as a Social Services Coordinator and the other half as the Senior Center Director reporting to the Senior Center Board.  

New Business:
Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort Status
A meeting was held at the Old Lyme Town Hall to discuss relief efforts for victims of hurricane Katrina.  First Selectman Griswold felt it would help the effort to bring together the school, the Council of Churches, resident Christy Lawrence and the two towns to brainstorm ideas for helping people immediately as well as building a relationship with a particular area over time. The Salvation Army, Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity and the United Way will be contacted for input.  Resident Peter Cable completed the Red Cross training course and has gone to the hurricane area for two weeks as a volunteer.  Another meeting is planned this week.

Estuary Transportation District – Old Lyme Service
John Forbis, representative of the Estuary Transportation District, reported that they provide a public bus service that is largely State and Federally funded as well as locally funded by the nine towns of Chester, Westbrook, Old Saybrook, Essex, Deep River, Clinton, Killingworth, Lyme and Old Lyme.  The service runs from 7:30 A.M. until  
5:45 P.M. Monday through Friday and on Saturday from 9:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M.  This is an important service for senior citizens and people with disabilities.  First Selectman Griswold added that the Estuary also has an outpatient medical transport for those requiring transportation to a doctor.  Literature is available.

Gina Tracy – Discussion about Broadwater (LNG Tanker Facility)
Gina Tracy, resident of Guilford, explained her concerns about the liquid natural gas tanker facility proposed for the Long Island Sound off of Branford.   She lived in California as a young child and remembers the devastation to land, water and wildlife caused by the Valdez oil spill.  She reported that the sea floor impact would be 7,000 sq. ft. and the connecting pipeline would be 25 miles disturbing the sediment and the living creatures in that area. She feels that, if this tanker facility is allowed to be constructed, it will set a precedent for other areas.  She was further concerned about the industrialization of the sound itself.  She questions who will be responsible for the hidden security costs and cleanup costs, if there were a disaster.  Those most affected would be those living in the immediate area, fishermen, sailors, and boaters.  The Coast Guard will be holding public informational meetings on September 20 at the East Lyme High School and September 21 in Branford, CT.  She reported that a Southport Republican Senator said this proposed natural gas facility threatens the Sound ecosystem by the damage it will inflict to the seabeds along with the continuing danger of fires and vapor clouds.  It is why  selling off part of the Sound to private industry for these kinds of projects is not responsible stewardship.

First Selectman Griswold questioned how would the opponents of Broadwater suggest that we improve the air quality of coal and oil burning of industrial plants and provide clean energy into the future. He feels the discussion should be concerned with the impact to the Sound as well as what would be the consequence long term for the region’s energy policy. First Selectman Griswold will arrange for a meeting with a representative from Boardwater and Town Alliance for discussion of the issue.

Selectwoman Reemsnyder stated that communication with the citizens of Old Lyme is necessary because they may not be aware of this project and feedback from the citizens is very important.

Public Comment:
David Woolley complimented Gina Tracy on her report of the dangers of Broadwater.  He also complimented the Board of Selectmen on the update on the Estuary.                Mr. Woolley, who is on the Board of Finance and has worked with the seniors and their budget, stated the seniors have had their own funds drives and paid for their portion of the salary of Ms. Mannetho.  Her services to the seniors and her outlook have been commendable and he urges the Board to use all means possible to get all the help available to find a replacement for Kay Mennetho.

Other Business:
Selectwoman Reemsnyder made a motion to put on the agenda an authorization in conjunction with the playground STEAP Grant to authorize the First Selectman to sign a Notice of Grant Award.  Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Selectwoman Reemsnyder made a motion to authorize the First Selectman to sign the Notice of Grant Award paperwork on behalf of the town for the State of Connecticut.
Selectman Sibley seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

First Selectman Griswold is planning a trip to Scotland, at which time Mr. Griswold plans to visit the Provost of Inverness and give him a book about Old Lyme from the Florence Griswold Museum and present a proclamation of greetings and friendship from our town.

Selectman Sibley thanked speaker Gina Tracy for her words on Broadwater.  He suggested putting both links on our website, one for Broadwater and one for Town Alliance, to enable citizens to draw their own conclusions on the matter.
Executive Session:
To discuss a potential real estate acquisition.

Selectman Sibley made a motion to adjourn the Board of Selectmen meeting at 9:10 P.M. and go into Executive Session.  Selectwoman seconded the motion.  SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted,